
Hi there! I’m just another random person on the Internet with a blog. How original! What, you want more detail? Ok, then. I’m a strongly-opinionated queer person in their 40s that hopes for a better world but is rooted in the reality of the one we have. Note that I try to keep those opinions grounded in facts and science, but some are certainly culturally-derived.

I’ve only recently discovered that I’m queer, and I’m on a journey of self-discovery to find my gender and sexual identities. For now, I’m describing myself as femme-leaning non-binary (femby), but fully reserve the right to update that as my journey of self-discovery continues.

Interests include art, history, social justice, human rights, equality for all, freedom from religion, tech, and of course, the Oxford comma.

Expect posts around any of these topics or anything else that tickles my fancies.

Want to engage with me? The best way is via Mastodon! I’m @ClearlyQueer@tech.lgbt.

I don’t know you, but I love you. 🫶🏻