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An Introduction

Hello there!

I suppose I should start off this blog with a proper introduction. I’m TJ (They/Them), a human (or simulation, if that theory turns out to be true) residing somewhere in the American midwest (or some data center somewhere, who knows?). I mostly hang out in Mastodon – – but stood up this blog for more long-form posts.

Recently – In my 40s – I discovered that I’m queer. I’m using that in the broadest sense, as I haven’t fully come to terms with both my gender and sexual identities, and “queer” is a good umbrella term. I certainly know that I’m not cisgender (which is not a slur, despite what Elon thinks), which makes me transgender, but I’m still discovering where I fall on the wide spectrum of identities rolled up under the transgender umbrella. For now, I’m going with feminine-leaning nonbinary (femby) as a working label, though I completely reserve the right to change that as my self-conception shifts. A lot of the content on this blog will be me coming to terms with who I am.

I have diverse interests, but lately I find myself focusing on LGBTQAI+ rights, social justice, and the struggle for equality for all. You can most certainly expect content here along those lines as well.

Those are some heavy topics, so I’ll be sure to throw in some light-hearted fare as well to keep the mood balanced.

So. I’m here. I’m queer. I’m…full of fear? More to come.